Warning: Full Frontal Lewdity

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today is the Kind of Day that makes me want to Drive Angry

Groundhog Day

What a crock.

According to Wikipedia 23 groundhogs have made predictions.  23!
Who do we believe?

We need cage match fights.  To the death.  Each time a groundhog goes down, another prediction is made. Last one standing is the one believe.

And there should be gambling.  Of course there should this is America dammit

If I don't get Candy or Presents I want bloodshed

Give me some reason to care about February 2nd.

Until my demands are met I will spend every February 2nd watching the fantastically awesome Groundhog Day on a continuous loop. You cannot go wrong with Bill "I'm A God" Murray.  And Chris Elliot makes up for the fact Andie MacDowell is in the movie too.

Phil??  - click here
I'm a God - click here
If you only have 19 minutes

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


As today is 2/1/12 I must acknowledge the band Rush.  A big favorite of my husband .  He has passed his love on to our children.  Their ipods are full of Bytor and Tom Sawyer Flying by Night to Xanadu.

I do enjoy Rush but not the way my menfolk do.

The Hubs can give you many reason why Rush should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and why they will never be there but if he wants to rant he can get his own damn blog :)

A few thoughts on the Canadian Trio that is Rush - 

The first time I ever heard of Rush was back in the late 70s/early 80s.  My best friend at the time had an older brother Jeff.  Hilary and I listened to Loverboy.  Jeff listened to Rush.  Turns out, he had better musical taste. 

Neil is my favorite he is cute and smart and one hell of a drummer

Rush's song Red Sector A led to a great discussion with my kids about the Holocaust. 

My favorite Rush album is probably Grace Under Pressure.  But the live Exit Stage Left is pretty good too

The song Freewill reminds me of my Grandpa. And this is why - A few years ago I had just learned that my Grandfather didn't have much time to live.  Alan Jackson's  Sissy's Song came on the radio.  I though to my self.  I'll bet this song gets played at a lot of funerals but Grandpa would rather hear Freewill.  Sort of random but now the song reminds me of him.  

My sweet brother-in-law was buried with Rush CDs

Best Rush in Pop culture moment  - Paul Rudd  in I Love You Man "Slappa da bass"
I love you man - click here

I just saw Rush doggy T-shirts in the clearance bin at the pet store.  We don't own a dog but I can think of a few stuffed animals that could rock a Rush tee.

Whenever we pass the Getty gas station my whole family becomes Geddy Lee's grandmother shouting Geddy, Geddy in our wannabe eastern European accents.  Geddy's real name is Gary but it sounded like Geddy coming from his grandma's mouth

Neil's book Ghost Rider is a lovey book.  Read it. "It chronicled Peart's motorcycletrips throughout North America, and Central America in the late 1990s, as he contemplated his life and came to terms with his grief over the deaths of his daughter Selena in August 1997, and his wife Jackie in June 1998." from wikipedia

One of Monkey Ones favorite songs - YYZ

One for Monkey Two - Roll the Bones

One for Me - Freewill

In other music news - RIP Don Cornelius from Soooooooooooooul Traaaaaaaaaaain.

The Way Back Machine

I've been time traveling this morning.  Not real time travel , just the interwebs.

This doesn't mean I am not still holding onto hope that a certain Dr. 10 will come pick me up in his blue box an get all Time Wobbly with me.  Because I am.  But, for now I'll take what I can get.

It all started this morning as I enjoying a cup of tea and a little Pinterest.*  Someone posted a link to wishbookweb.com.  It is a web archive of old Christmas catalogs. I started thinking about how The Hubs and I spent a lovely evening looking at the 1979 Sears catalog a while back.  Christmas of 79 was a big one for him because his family had just gone through a major flood and they had lost a lot.  Santa brought a lot of replacement gifts that year.  Anyway I started click, click clicking through my childhood.  Memories.....

And of course I share them with you now. If you follow me on Pinerest (and you know you should) many of my unbelievably witty comments many not be new but, whatever nerds.   The down side of wishbook is you only get a whole page you can't focus on only one part, so use your eyes my lovelies.


The BeeGees and Banana Seats.  Both big in 1979.
I had that BeeGees guitar. (Jealous much) and I wish I had a banana seat today.  Is a banana seat good or bad for a fat ass?  And speaking of asses - Does my Fat Ass make my Ass look Fat?

I miss the banana seat

Some of my favorite things were creative and artsy craftsy.  (Yes I know Big Surprise)  Spirograph, Playdoh (how much does that monster set jam?) and Fashion Plates ruled.  My mother was a fashion plate wiz.  I was always so inspired by her skill and creativity.  She was the McQueen of the Fashion Plate world.  I also loved Lightbrite.  I don't think I ever owned a lightbrite but I loved to play with them at friend's houses.  Secretly I am glad my kids don't own a Lightbrite.  Stepping on Legos is bad enough all those dang pegs. Yikes!
Spirograph - Pure Awesome.  Another reason I need a time machine. Dear Playdoh - bringing back the Monster cut and clip set would be pretty awesome Oh how I wish I had a time machine so I could back to 1979 and get some Fashion Plates.  And and less than $7 a pop I could get all Oprah on my my friends - You get a set, you get a set, you get a set....  

Big Boss Executive set LOL - "Is this the Big Boss?"  "Why yes it is, and you sir are an a$$hole.  I said Good Day"  Slam

Something I observed in the 1979 books, that was even more obvious in the 1983 book I looked through, was Traditional Gender Roles were being shook up.  Most of the kitchens were primary colors. Toy makers of  today should take note.  Boys pushing shopping carts etc. etc.  But my favorite has to be this Little Executive Set.  " John I need you pick up my lavender pantsuit from cleaners.  I need it tonight for a little booze and schmooze with those overseas investors.  What do you mean they can't get that stippers lipstick out?  What other meeting do I have today.  I wrote it down but my calender is made from magic slate and I accidentally erased it.  Yes, I know I need a real calender but Mommy won't let me write with pen yet. Shit! I need a Tab"  Slams down phone

Here is a toy I  hadn't heard of - Sindy

While barbie is out whoring it up Sidny is home painting.  The only thing that Sidny blows is her own inflatable furnishings

Sindy is her own woman.  She left he husband to go live in an artist commune in AZ.  Someday her children will forgive her but for now she paints them postcards and forgets to send them.  She is no Barbie.  Sindy doesn't shave her armpits unless she has a date.  And it's been awhile.  The only thing Sindy has been blowing is her inflatable furniture. 

Ahh Good Times.   Star Wars, Strawberry Shortcake and The Smurfs.  Record Players, Typewriters and Giant Calutalors.  Unfortunately it's all a giant time suck.  So unless a cute Time Lord comes a knocking, that's enough time travel for awhile. 

*Pinterest is virtual pin board web site. Follow me on Pinterest. All the cool kids are doing it.  You know you wannna - http://pinterest.com/empowers/