CNN used to be a fairly reliable source for news any time of the day. They had Headline News. 30 minutes of top stories any time you wanted. But now CNN calls Headline News HLN and it is full of more talking heads.
More and more I am turning to Brian Williams. Why him over Katie or Diane? Well he is not on at dinner time, he is nice to look at and wears nice ties. Anyway, National News on the big 3 stills tries to take an unbiased approach to journalism (Yes, I know some ultra conservative types will disagree but this is my blog, get your own if you disagree) However I can not always tune in to Brain and it is not worth Tivoing. Daily news is not the kind of thing you sit down and catch up on several episodes of at a time.
Mostly I get my news from on-line sources. Once you sort through the fluff and nonsense there is a lot to be found on-line. However the nice thing about listening to the news rather then reading the news is TV makes it easier to multitask. In the Mommyhood multitasking is big, If I can fold laundry or pick up the LR while the news is on great.
Often I go through periods of news moratorium. I just can't deal with the depressing reality of what is happening in the world so I just ignore it all. The world keeps spinning even if I am clueless. That brings me to another thing I enjoy about NBC nightly news w/Brian Williams. At the end of each newscast he does a piece called "Making a Difference" It is a feel good news story. Some folks (you know who you are) refer to this as fluff. But I love to end my news with a nice story. Sometimes during my news moratoriums I tune in to NBC at 7:25 just to hear making a difference. To know that there are people in the world full of kindness, working to do good deeds, helping others, make a difference in the life of a child, donating their money to good causes etc. etc. It gives me hope for humankind
And that's the way it is
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