Warning: Full Frontal Lewdity

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hello My Name is Emily and I am addicted to.....

Addiction-  n. - the condition of being abnormally dependent on some habit

So my new goal is to take the habits I am abnormally dependent on and turn them into something positive. 

1.  Food.  Ekkk.  This is a biggie.  Yes I am addicted to food.  Sugar and Carbs to be exact.  I have always wished I could be one of those people who stops eating in moments of emotional stress but alas I am not.  I am not young, my hormones are fucked and my great metabolism ran away after the birth of boy 2.  Still I love food and I love to try new foods.  Top Chef is one of my favorite shows and my DVD is full of the food network.   So what to do?  Currently I am cutting out all junk and bad carbs from my diet.  I am also taking a fuckton of vitamins and minerals.  And I am I reading a great book about using cognitive therapy techniques to change my eating behaviors.  How will I turn this addiction into a positive?  Well like I said I love food and for the most part I like to cook.   I say for the most part because sometimes cooking for 3 kids gets boring.  Chicken, Chicken blah blah blah.  But more and more I am introducing the boys to new foods and slowly I am taking crap out of their diets.  Eliminateing corn syrup, dyes and words that are hard to pronounce from the diet of kid who could live on poptats, toaster waffles and ritz bits is hard but, baby steps.  Another difficulty in cooking is the "Moooommmmy! factor"  hard to spend time in the kitchen lovingly preparing a meal when a two year old is constantly demanding your time.  But now he is three and can happily play trucks or playdoh while I chop and saute.  So,(yes I am getting to it) I am going to turn my food addiction into a positive by cooking new things.  At least twice a week I will cooking something I've never made before .  It must be healthy but it doesn't have to be simple.

2. Pintrest.  If you don't know what I am talking about check it out http://pinterest.com/.  Be sure to follow me.  Pintrest is virtual bulletin board where you can pin things that interest you into bards of different categories.  I like Pinterest because it is all about me.  What I like, things that make me laugh, craft projects to try etc.   However it is a big time waster.  You can get on and just keep pinning.  How will I make this addiction positive.  I will try more crafts and recipes I pin.  I will take all the fitness and health inspiration seriously. 

3. Wasting Time.  See Pinterest above :)  I am a procrastinator.  I put stuff off until the last minute.  I tell myself  I work well under pressure. I am a housewife who hate domestic chores.  I love doing stuff with my kids but dishes and laundry not so much.  I do it because it needs to be done and I feel as though it is my job but I do put it off.  I am also not the most organized chick in the world. and I am a bit of a pack rat.  So how will I turn this into a positive?  I will use my love of the interwebs and lists to find and make chore schedules, meal planning charts and other things to get me organized. 

Things that I am addicted to that I hope to stay addicted to - 

1. Music.  I can't clean my kitchen with out my music downloads or Pandora.
2.  Books.  A life without books really isn't worth living
3. Couch date.  My term for hanging out with my sweetie and having time for just us
4. Love of the outdoors (expect when it's less than 40 degrees) 
5. My interest in world events, politics and pop culture 
6.  Bein' Crafty
7. Making lists :)

Things I hope to become addicted to in 2012
1. Exercise
3. Positive thought
4. Loving Myself

1 comment:

beyond diapers said...

Lovely to find your blog! I am also addicted to #1 and #3. I am avoiding exposure to #2 because I know addiction will follow.