Dan is an annoying 7ish year old kid and wanna be paleontologist. Dan sees Dinosaurs roaming around his town and has to go investigate them. The show includes very neat CGI dinosaurs. Now, I have no problem with the premise of the show. I love that Dan has a terrific imagination. I love that the show probably teaches kids about Dinosaurs.
What I don't love is Dan that is a whiny know it all. Often he seems like he would rather hunt figments of his imagination then play with his friends. Also he treats his friends like they are so stupid they don't know a dinosaur from a dog. And worse, my major pet peeve, Dino Dan's mother seems to be a major idiot. So stupid maybe she shouldn't be allowed to have children. Here is a sample of the type of interaction Dino Dan has with his mother -
While looking at a book together
"What kind of Dinosaur is that Dan?"
"A triceratops mom"
"A tribearaclops?"
"No mom, a tri-cer-a-tops"
"Oh, that's a nice tremarrytops Dan"
"Triceratops Mom"
"Yes Dan, A Tripaclaws"
And on and on. How dumb can one 35 year old woman be. I know I learned about dinosaurs in school, didn't she? And the flipin triceratops is one of the most popular of all dinosaurs. It's not like snotty Dan was talking about some lesser know dino like the Kentrosaurus. Gee Whiz Lady, Read a Book!!
Dino Dan is just the tip of the iceberg of TV shows were the children are snotty, rude, eye rolling know it alls. Or they are whiny, pleading, crybabies. And the parents stand for it. TV shows seem to think it is okay for adults to be treated disrespectfully, like they are idiotic Neanderthals only there to give there children money, serve them lunch and drive them to the mall. Ugggg! I will say Disney Chanel is the worst. I think they hire actors strictly on there ability to be extra sassy and prefect the sarcastic eye roll" As a parent I can say that I have never been told to "Talk to the Hand" and if I was the hand and the rest of the boy it was attached to would be dent to his room. And the hand would not be playing DS or Computer games for a couple days.
I also don't care to subject my kids to "Caillou" Caillou is a bald headed 4 year old who either whines or baby talks. Somebody needs to tell that kid to put on his big boy pants and speak like a 4 year old. My 2 year old sounds older then Caillou.
Don't get me started on Barney. Most people think it is the purple Dinosaur that Barney haters object to. I could care less about Barney. It's the know it all kids I can't stand. It's the same reason I didn't like "Mr. Wizard" when I was a kid. Listen brainiac if you are so smart why are you on Mr. Wizard in the first place? If you don't want to learn any science from him, go home. I want to know why the experiment works from the expert not some half cocked hypothesis from some wanna be Issac Newton Shut Up!
So many other shows I could name but I won't because my own little angle is about to try to feed ground coffee to the fish.
Gotta wrap this up with one last plea - TV parents please grow a spine, don't let your children walk all over you, teach those little punks some manners and respect. And for God sake Read a Book!
I totally agree with you on all of this. But why wouldn't I when you have so many of my genes creating these attitudes.
I remember the pleasant 1950s when children were taught manners and respect. It made life better for the adults. We can't go back to that era, but can learn from the culture of the 1950s. After fighting a world war men and women wanted peace and children and the American Dream. They wanted to enjoy life, and no little brat was going to stir around in their parties or pleasures.
Now this I agree with you the most.
You say:
"Gotta wrap this up with one last plea - TV parents please grow a spine, don't let your children walk all over you, teach those little punks some manners and respect. And for God sake Read a Book! "
I am so used to Facebook that I was looking for the "Like" button. :)
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