Warning: Full Frontal Lewdity

Friday, March 18, 2011

I lived in a cave and only had black and white TV

My First Born (FB) loves to tease me about my age.  Once he learned that a women's age matters to her he thinks it is funny to push my buttons.  He likes to say thinks like "Wow Mom, you are practically 40"  (I am only 36) or "Mom, what was it like back in the 50s?" (From all the Happy Day's and Grease I've watched it seems nice) 

So the interaction I had yesterday with FB and his brother Monkey in the Middle (MM) seems even funnier.  We were going to Target to look for a Birthday gift to give to one of MM's friends.  FB joked and said that he would probably like a Barbie doll.  I mentioned that I just read that it was Barbie's Birthday a few days ago.

MM:  Barbie has a Birthday?

Me: Yes, I think the day the toy debuted is considered her Birthday.  Barbie is over 50 now.

FB:  Wow, she looks great for 50!

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