Warning: Full Frontal Lewdity

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My kind of Bedtime Story

Remember the great Max and Ruby episode called "Max and Ruby and Zombies" ?  

I won't go into the whole story but in brief- 

 Bunny Scout Leader  goes into the woods to investigate a Ghost Bunny sighting.  There she is attacked by Roger, who has turned zombie.  Roger is a tender soul so he has been trying to alleviate his blood and brain lust on deer and squirrels (who interestedly do not talk.  What the rabbits can talk but not other animals? WTH?) 
When Roger sees Bunny Scout leader he can't take it anymore.  He attacks with a cry of "Uh Huh!"  

 Bunny Scout Leader has been turned, she wanders the streets until she sees harmless Martha and wannabe Louise playing jump rope.  Blammo more Zombies. 

Of course Louise want Ruby to be with her forever so she hops off as fast as she can drag her ever decaying feet (who's lucky now?) and attacks Ruby. 

Ruby now turned lets go of all her pent up anger.  Anger over being 7 years old and having to take care of her younger yet smarter brother for all these years.  Because, where the Hell are Max and Ruby's parents? 

First Ruby attacks Candi, the candy store owner then gobbles up all the candy she can find.  Suddenly sick she gets all Linda Blair and spews gummy bears, and rootbeer barrels all over the joint.  

Meanwhile, hiding in the bushes Max watches in horror. "Zombies" he says as Ruby takes on all the Huffintons. 
"Stay away from my baby" Mrs. Huffington screams, attacking Ruby with a baton (don't forget Mrs. Huffington in a champion batten twirler)  Unfortunately Mrs. Huffington forgets rule 2, the double tap.  Mrs. Huffington is turned and goes after her own husband's brains, even though they are much smaller than her own.  

Max watches Ruby as she enters Mr. Piazza's market. "Brains" moans Ruby. 

Max has his remote control helicopter follow Ruby into the store.  While the helicopter is ramming Ruby in the face Mr. Piazza makes his escape. 

"Zombies" says Max  

Ruby chases after Piazza screaming "Brains" but is distracted by Can't Sit Up Slug, Curly Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Quake having a tea party.  

Of course this distraction is thanks to clever Max who uses the fact that Ruby is distracted to get into his little car and ram it straight into his sister.  Again and again.  Then Max bashes Ruby's face in with his Rubber Elephant. 

With the Queen gone Max knows he must clean up the rest of the town. Then he remembers Rule 8, get a kick ass partner.  Max recruits Morris and they rid the town of Zombies.  

With Bunny World saved Max and Morris ride to Grandma's were they have chocolate ice cream, even though it's breakfast time.  

And then, even though it is out of charter for Max to utter more than one word, the episode ends with Max shouting a rousing "Who's got the Brain's now Bitch!"

The End?

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