Warning: Full Frontal Lewdity

Monday, September 26, 2011

Tattoo You (If you are my father you might not want to read this)

So I have been thinking about getting another tattoo.  But before I can tell you that story, I must tell you this story -

When I was 20 I got myself a tattoo for my birthday.  I have always been fascinated by tattoos.  So many of them are like wearing art on your body, forever.  My father always said "If you get one,don't tell me" so I haven't.  1994 was year full of emotional  turmoil and upheaval in my life. The short story - it sucked.  Hoping for some cheering up I planned to go down to Radford VA to see my BFF (of course in 1994 we just called them best friends) Robin.We would go to a Halloween party and hang out on my Birthday (Nov. 1 -see my amazon wish list) By this point Robin had at least one tattoo of her own.  She told me she would take me to her tat guy and hold my hand.  I thought and thought about what image I wanted to permitly adorn my body with.  I looked at Tattoo magazines, thought of great book quotes, listened to my favorite songs for inspiration.  At some point, my memory is vague here, we are talking about almost 17 years ago people, I decided to go celestial.  I drew a sun and moon shape, liked it and thought - Eureka!  Now if you know me at all you know I am not an artist. In High School art class all my still lifes  looked like a 1st grader drew them.  All my human figures looked liked  droids with chromosomal problems. My point is, this was not the best drawing you've ever seen.  What was I thinking?  Maybe I just wanted something that was created by me.  Truly my tat is cute.  Black ink, sun and moon.  As I look back I realize my hurry was probably  a need for something perminate.  As I said above, bad year.  So of course a tattoo will make it all A-Okay right?

So I have my tattoo.  Many people do not even know I have it because it is not obvious unless I am in a swimsuit or naked.  My kids have seen it.  First with fascination now with indifference.  The truth is at this point I forget it is there most of the time.  It is on my upper thigh and has become part of me.

Now I am thinking about a second tattoo.  A more thought out symbolic tattoo that says something about me. Something that I will enjoy caring around with me for the next 65+ some years (yes I plan to live to at least 101) My birthday is coming up but I really didn't have that in mind.  But now that I think of it, what better time to give myself a gift.

I's a bin thinkin' and thinkin' on it.  Like I said I thought I want symbolism.  I thought about the number 5 for my family.  I thought about an ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life. Sweet bird and  beautiful flowers.  Finally I got it.  Books!  My most favorite thing, that is truly a thing (The best things in life are not things)  A stack of 5 books, the top book representing me, open only 1/2 finished.  I am also thinking of an owl on there someplace.  As well as a few more tiny details on the books.

But speaking of someplace - That is my conundrum now.  Place. Where on my body should I get inked? As I said my first tat is on my thigh. My outside upper thigh, under my hip bone.  It has been a great place as the shape of the tattoo has not changed during all the weight gain and weight loss I have but my body through.  However I don't want bookend tattoos so the other hip is out.  Also I am a pretty private person and this is a gift to my self so I don't want it to be too showy.  So the arm and shoulder are out.  I thought about the inside of my arm starting around my wrist but I have sort arms so I think a tattoo would took huge there.  Same goes for my foot. I think I am left with back and ankle.  Back would have to be upper back (no tramp stamp thanks) And that is were I am faithful readers.  I have the what, still pondering the where.  I don't want to ponder too long. I am ready for this thing.

Hopefully before 2012 I will have something beautiful.  To Be Continued......

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