Warning: Full Frontal Lewdity

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

This should have a rhyming title but nothing rhymes with haiku

It's been a long time friends.  I guess I took most of the spring and summer off.  More thoughts about that later but first - 

I have named myself the Poet Laureate of Leesburg.  Yes, thank you it is quite an honor.  No, No, please you don't have to call me Dame, that is far too prissy.  Sure, Sure  Poet Chick is cool.  No I don't have a beret, I look like a douche in a beret.  Yes you may snap but please no bongos*.

Anyhoo (generally I would say Anyway but I think Anyhoo sounds more Poet-y.  In fact while Robert Frost was describing Blueberries I understand he said "Anyhoo, they were as big as the end of your thumb"  But  who knows if he really said that I only write poetry I don't read it, but it sounds good )  Like I said Anyhoo, I've been composing Haiku today.  Mommy Haiku.  Here are some that you might have seen on my Facebook wall, plus a few more.  

Now put on your helmets kiddies cuz I just might blow y'alls minds -

Yes I am a Mom
Not all superheroes wear capes
I wear snot and dirt 

What is for dinner?
I don't know. What did you kill?
I'm the gatherer

Do you smell that smell?
No it is not victory
It is your diaper.

I am a Mommy
Hey boys I don't get paid shit
To pick up your shit

Eight is too many
I know three is enough man
Time for the snip snip

What's up with your socks?
Do you sweat dirt or bleed mud?
Where'd I put the bleach?

Michael J was wrong
Wine is not Jesus Juice
It is my best friend 

Thank god you are cute
While you giggle and weave your
Path of destruction

Youtube oh Youtube
My boys can laugh it up yes
Hope they don't type Tits

I had to go pee
I was only gone a sec
We can't have nice things 

Why bother folding
The basket is now your toy ship
Clothes dumped on the floor 

Your sleepy smile 
Makes me think of toddler you
Cozy on my lap

I know we own some
Tape, scissors and batteries
But they're lost AGAIN

You must aim better
The floor is not a toilet
Now flush, wash and go

Get off the counter
If you must spend time up there 
Learn to make coffee

The sign says Forty
Yes I am going Fifty
Who taught you to read?

* Alas Bongos are out, Matthew Mcconaughey ruined them for the rest of us

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