Warning: Full Frontal Lewdity

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Artist of the Day

Happy Birthday Peter Gabriel

Too many great songs to list so instead I will name a few of my favorite albums.  Loves me some Gabriel but I will admit in the last few years as he has gotten in to more of a world music sound I have not been as in love as with his earlier work.

1. Peter Gabriel Plays Live - Interestingly enough a sound track to young love.  But as a Mommy I sing "I Go Swimming" to my boys in the bathtub
2. Peter Gabriel 1 (Car) - Every song on this album is a favorite
3.Peter Gabriel 3 (Melty Face) - Primus does a good cover of Intruder 
4.So- This is when I discovered PG.  "Sleghammer"and "Big Time" had videos on Mtv (Remember when Mtv still showed videos) And of course John Cusek in his trench coat with Boom Box playing "In Your Eyes" Also, I remember my cousin Jeff playing this album.  Maybe the first time I remember him listening to something that wasn't Kiss. :)  Like me he is a big PG fan.
5.Us - This is the soundtrack of me driving down Rt. 66 late at night getting home before curfew. Curfew reminds me of a funny story, look for it soon
6.Secret World Live - Great Concert, Lovely Album

One last note on PG.  It is well worth listening to "Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" from when PG was still with Genesis.  

Also Happy B-day to fellow musicians names Peter.  Peter Tork (Monkees) and Peter Hook (Joy Division and New Order) 

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